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Discrete Industrial Manufacturing

Decision Resources specializes in made-to-order and engineered-to-order manufacturing environments, technology, and industry best practices.

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We partner with industrial manufacturers to implement software, industry best practices, and best-in-class manufacturing solutions that help you move faster, smarter, and more efficiently towards hitting your growth targets. We focus on helping your team achieve results, like:
  • Gain real-time insights into companywide performance
  • Optimize all aspects of your supply chain
  • Streamline production and shop floor operations
  • Quality test new products quickly to ensure regulatory requirements
  • Manage complex builds and projects with advanced traceability
  • Achieve secure and scalable growth through best-in-class cloud ERP
  • Leverage the latest advancements in technology to boost productivity, increase profitability, and improve efficiency
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Helped Onset modernize their operations, eliminate third party tools, improve reporting, and boost company performance.

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