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ERP for Metal Fabrication, Forging, and Foundries Companies

Delivering systems that can manage the unique inventory and production requirements of foundries and forging companies

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Founded and headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, Decision Resources has been working with mid-sized and large foundries and forging companies for decades. Contact us to learn more about how we have delivered ERP for foundries and helped dozens of steel companies and other primary metals companies run their businesses on one integrated system.

Infor CloudSuite Industrial is a very strong foundry ERP system and primary metals ERP system, with the following features:

  • Sophisticated Planning and Scheduling: Handling heat treat operations and more
  • Product Attributes: Capturing chemical properties and other attributes by product and heat
  • Strong Shop Floor Automation
  • Full-Featured Quality System
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Ellwood Group

Assisted Ellwood in modernizing operations for their 110 year old company via manufacturing best practices and scalable ERP.

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