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Who: Onset
Location: Cape Cod, MA
Industry: Manufacturer of electronic data loggers and monitoring solutions
Project: Upgrade from SyteLine 8 to CloudSuite Industrial 10
Project Challenges: Being one of the first companies to upgrade to version 10
  • On time and under budget
  • Elimination of integration tools
  • Improved tracking of regulated products
  • Improved look and feel with web client

About Onset
Onset Computer Corporation is a leading supplier of data logger and monitoring solutions used to measure, record, and manage data for improving the environment, studying climate change, and preserving the quality of temperature-sensitive products, like pharmaceuticals. Based on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Onset has been designing and manufacturing its products on site since the company’s founding in 1981.

The Initial Implementation
Onset initially installed CloudSuite Industrial in the early 2000s. In 2012, Onset began working with Decision Resources to move from CloudSuite Industrial version 7 to version 8. Because of the volume of modifications, Onset decided it would be simpler to go through a full implementation of version 8, rather than upgrade. Onset was pleased with the move from CloudSuite Industrial version 7 to version 8. Going through the full implementation allowed Onset to eliminate most of its modifications and use the built-in functionality of CloudSuite Industrial.

The elimination of the modifications also allowed Onset users to utilize Infor Campus for training. Prior to implementing version 8, Infor Campus was not relevant to Onset because it had customized the system to a great degree. According to Mike Enwright, an IT manager at Onset, “Once everyone got through the training and familiarized themselves with the system, it was a marked improvement over version 7.”

Successes of the Initial Implementation
One of the biggest improvements was the addition of the service module. Onset’s data loggers can be returned to Onset for standard repairs and tune-ups. The service module allowed the tech support, repair, and customer service departments to better collaborate and track these projects, eliminating most of the manual activities previously required to manage these efforts.

Additionally, shipping became more efficient and accounting activities were significantly improved by the built-in functionality of CloudSuite Industrial version 8. Overall, Onset was extremely satisfied with the implementation.

Keeping Current
In 2019, Onset made the decision to upgrade yet again – this time to CloudSuite Industrial version 10. There were many reasons for the upgrade. First and foremost, Onset wanted to stay current with the latest version of CloudSuite Industrial. Onset was also motivated to get the whole company transitioned to the web client. Its sales team was already using the web client, so Onset knew the benefit of the improved look and feel. Finally, Windows 7 would no longer be supported in 2020, so Onset knew it needed to upgrade soon to avoid headaches. Due to the seasonality of Onset’s business, it was determined that the project would begin in April 2019 with a projected go-live of October 2019. Onset brought in Decision Resources and got to work on the upgrade.

Uncharted Territory – The First to Upgrade to 10
Onset was one of the first Infor customers to upgrade to CloudSuite Industrial. Challenges are always anticipated with an upgrade, but version 10 was uncharted territory. For Onset, the key to a successful upgrade was working with the right partner. Being one of the first to upgrade meant being the first to identify bugs in the system. But with Decision Resources’ expert developers to back them up, Onset was ready for the challenge. If a bug was identified, Decision Resources’ developers were available and able to build patches and workarounds. In the few instances where action was needed by Infor, Decision Resources was able to leverage its strong relationship with Infor to escalate requests. Having the right partner in place was essential to addressing challenges and keeping the project on track.

Top 8 Benefits of 10

While there were challenges associated with being one of the first to upgrade, Onset quickly saw them outweighed by the benefits of version 10. Below are the top functionality benefits Onset has seen from the upgrade to CloudSuite Industrial version 10.

  1. CloudSuite Industrial Quality – Onset saw immediate benefits in the changes to the quality module. Previous versions only included the ability to manage job and vendor activities. With 10, Onset can now manage quality on the customer and enterprise levels as well, supporting quality activities of its entire enterprise, not just the manufacturing process.
  2. Financial Management – Prior to the upgrade, Onset used Spreadsheet Server, a third-party tool to integrate its financial reporting with Excel. CloudSuite Industrial version 10 now allows users to export queries directly to Excel. In addition, the built-in Excel Financial Report Writer allows users to leverage the power of Excel to create and format financial documents. As a result of the new integration functionality, Onset can eliminate the third-party Excel integration tool.
  3. Factory Track – Onset implemented Factory Track, an optional component, to replace Warehouse Mobility. Onset manufactures cold chain monitoring solutions used in the health care and pharmaceutical industries. These products are designed to preserve the quality of temperature-sensitive products, such as pharmaceuticals. Industry regulations require these products to be serialized. That means that the product must be physically scanned by Onset before it is shipped to the customer. Factory Track has streamlined this process, as well as the company’s labor tracking.
  4. DataViews – DataView reporting is much smoother than the SSRS reporting Onset was using in version 8. With version 10, DataViews are easier to build, modify, and export.
  5. Look and Feel – According to Mike Enwright, “The look and feel of 10 is much better, but the functionality is not a huge departure from SyteLine 8. So the transition for the user was not difficult.”
  6. Infor Campus – Infor Campus also ensured a smooth transition for Onset’s users. As with their last upgrade, users went through Infor Campus training prior to go-live, which eased their nerves about the transition to 10.
  7. Shipping and Receiving – Version 10 has provided Onset with improved integrations with UPS and FedEx, allowing the company to better manage its shipping and receiving.
  8. Credit Card Interface – The credit card interface with version 10 keeps Onset up to date with various banking standards and requirements.

“The project went really well. The team at Decision Resources did such a great job with everything. They identified development needs up front, they dictated an appropriate timeline, and they met all the requirements.” Enwright added, “This was the smoothest go-live I’ve ever had – and it was the 19th one.” And perhaps most importantly, “The project was on time and under budget.”

Mike Enwright

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